Friday, December 27, 2019

Road Trip Round Thailand 2019/20 - 17D/16N

As daily work gets the inner boredom out and suppression in me, solo travelling always seems to be the best options for rejuvenating. Having abundance of annual leave on hand still unused, I started pondering where should I go this time round.

Shall I go for solo backpacking, what country should I visit, what is the agenda and what I'm looking to feel for this trip in return for rejuvenation and reminiscence.

  • feels like lazing at the beach with beer, music and snacks.
  • feels like in going to higher altitude where weather is cooling and nice.
  • feels like I'm kinda adventurous, to try some accommodation that I never tried before.
  • feels like interacting and feeling close to nature
  • feels like some strolling aimlessly and wander around in less populated cities
  • feels like sitting at some random cafe and felt totally stranger to the surroundings.
  • feels like visiting place of interest
  • feels like playing with my DSLR which I have neglected very long since my new job role.
  • feels like feeling free and unrestricted or obligated.
  • feels like driving my Civic Turbo and feels it cruising around.
  • feels like doing some endurance activity.
Decision made; I will do something that I have never done before. 

17D/16N Solo drive round Thailand. 

Final location to U-turn home is Golden Triangle.

Checklist before the trip:
  • Medications 
  • Engine oil replacement and servicing for car
  • New set of tyres (existing tyres is finishing)
  • High speed balancing 
  • Alignment check
  • My typical luggage of clothings
  • DSLR, Lens and Cleaning kits
  • Air pump, tyre patch kits, jumpstart cable and handy tools  
  • All the necessary chargers, cables and multi-plugs.
  • Self created Itineraries (place of visits, hotels, eateries, duration and mileage)
  • Pre-book hotels, check and confirm has proper parking space
  • Data Passport activated
  • Car security systems enabled
  • Emergency contact numbers called and check and saved.
Any other lapse can buy along the way, I not going into jungle for 17days anyway. hahaha

Day 1: Singapore to Kuala Lumpur: 346Km drive

After long time of not driving long distance, I decided to climatise myself first and had a first stop in Kuala Lumpur, and soon received the first hiccup for the trip. 

1st hiccups of the trip - Started hearing ‘tok tok tok’ sound when rolling at low speed, woke up earlier in the morning to check out and perform a self troubleshooting check. 

After jacking the car up and done hand rotation of the wheel, I found out that its actually my tyre cap wasn’t capped properly and hence hitting my big brake callipers. 

Fixed and good to start rolling! 

Accommodation: Sheraton Petaling Jaya Hotel

Day 2: Kuala Lumpur to Alor Star: 442Km drive

Arrival at Alor Star, and gotten a room at the second floor which is horrible. 

2nd hiccups of the trip - Air con is not working and water is scorching hot and not able to modulate to warm or cold; got the room change and finally able to sleep in peace after dinner. 

Accommodation: Hotel Royal Signature

Day 3: Alor Star to Chumphon: 631Km drive

After first 2 days of unexpected break ins, fortunately Malaysia/Thailand border crossing is smooth and fast (Bukit Kayu Hitam), and headed straight to my favourite coconut jelly which is along the Highway from Hatyai to Hua Hin. In the whole of Thailand, only this location sells coconut jelly this way and it is sweet and very cooling to enjoy under the hot sun and long highway.

 The only location in Thailand that sells coconut jelly in coconut. Highway 4 Surat Thani Province.

Yummy.... hehehe

Main attractions will start from Kanchanaburi onwards, first 4 days will really be just endurance long distance driving, wandering, chilling along random streets and let the mind settle down for many days ahead of freedom.

This is the 1 stop place to get vehicle permit and Thai vehicle insurance done, as well as white card.

Bukit Kayu Hitam to Sadao (Malaysia/Thailand land border)

Have a taste of Thai Wanton Mee first before continuing my journey to the North

After 9 hours on the lonesome roads, I have finally arrived in Chumphon; a very quiet and peaceful beach resort with restaurant on the beach by the sea, to fulfil my beer, beach and food cravings. A quiet, relaxing night stay and feeling excited for the uncertainties and explorations ahead. 
Literally eating on the beach.

Enjoying my beer after a long day of drive.

Accommodation: The Beach Residences

Day 4: Chumphon to Kanchanaburi: 518Km drive

Excited and woke up before time, luggage packed and ready to set off! 
Continuing on Highway 4 that runs across from south to north of Peninsula Thailand before entering main part of the country. 

 Pass by a mini white temple, snap a picture first.

3rd hiccups of the trip - Unable to find the hotel as google map leads me directly into jungle, fortunately there is a family in the woods with puzzled face when they saw a foreign registered plate car in front of their house, observing from far, I wave to them and tried asking some question. Hence knows that the hotel i’m staying for the next 2 night actually has to take a boat in and not drive in directly!

It’s getting late and dark, I need to get to the jetty fast. Navigate my way to the jetty using google map with the info i had from the family, I’ve arrived at the jetty carpark. 

 Taking the long boat into the woods

4th hiccups of the trip - It is an open carpark in a secluded place, now the worry of my car starts. A quick risk assessment around the surroundings; carpark is full, has watchman around, a few branded models, a few other Honda Civic around that is much flashier and cleaner compared to mine covered in dust, and wet sand stains (after driving 2,000km, how clean can a car be). I think its relatively safe to park here for the night, security system activated and manual lock. I made my way to the jetty to wait for the boat.

Next discovery: This hotel has no electricity supply, no wifi, signal is very weak, no air con and no water heater. WOAH..!! i’m gonna stay here for the next 2 nights!!!

Checklist ticked!
  • feels kinda adventurous, to try some accommodation that I never tried before.
  • feels like interacting and feeling close to nature

Jetty Open Carpark for Boat ride to Floating resort.

Left my car in the bewilderedness.....
 No aircon, no Water heater, No electricity, No wifi and weak HP signal.

Morning is beautifully nice, fresh air, morning mist above flowing river, feels heavenly. Air Temperature around 16degsC

Accommodation: River Kwai Jungle Rafts Resorts

Day 5: Kanchanaburi self day tour

 Burma Railway (Built by the Australian during War)

 Bridge of River Kwai visitor area.

 Bridge over River Kwai

Driving into Safari, this used to be a park for Tigers, however was removed due to some official reasons.

Animals are free to roam around the park now.

This Bull looks like a Bison.. big and strong.. Please don't charge towards my car.

Day 6: Kanchanaburi to Mae Sot: 529Km drive

It’s getting more and more interesting everyday as I travel and explore further up north, and what makes it so fulfilling is because I am fully on my own, 1 car 1 driver, clocking personal milestone every single minute.

Enjoying roadside stall rice noodle for lunch.

Driving to Mae Sot is also the start of the more mountainous area in Thailand and high altitude, also mean more curvies to negotiate and harder work on the turbo. 

On the way to Mae Sot quiet town for dinner, this is the way to Thailand/Myanmar borders as well. This border allows foreigner to do land crossing and leads directly to Yangon.

 My 1 night stay in Mok Fah Sai resort, so big balcony area for me to chill and watch Netflix on Ipad at night.

Misty Morning Road as I set off to next location.

Dinner is along the street of quiet Mae Sot town which is just next to Thailand/Myanmar borders, and I start observing some Myanmar registered car in the town.

There are police road blocks along the way, I guess because it is near Myanmar borders, but no problem with me after knowing Im from Singapore and my car is from Singapore too. 

Accommodation: Mok Fah Sai Resort

Day 7: Mae Sot to Mae Hong Son: 419Km curvy drive

Im going to the highest mountain in Thailand and it’s called Doi Inthanon, also the start of my long wished Mae Hong Son loop drive. Beautiful scenic hilly drive with 1,864 curves which lasted over 780Km.

 Doi Inthanon local food stalls

 Highest Spot in Thailand!!

Military can do sideline job as well.

Simple and nice place, acoustic love songs, cooling weather, Beer and Tom Yum.

Accommodation: B2 Mae Hong Son Premier Hotel

Day 8: Mae Hong Son to Chiang Dao: 232Km curvy drive

Mae Hong Son town is a quiet town and not much populated, morning is cooling at around 15degsC, where i have my breakfast by the road.. so nice and relaxing.. Strolling around and have my Mae Hong Son Loop Certificate of Conquest done. 

 My kind of way to enjoy breakfast.. no rush, good weather and tasty food.

 Thai Style omelette wrapped fried rice noodles. (Pad Thai)

Certificate for momento. So nice.

Setting off is to Chiang Dao, where I will be driving along the curvy mountainous roads, enjoying the weather and scenery.

Typically Mae Hong Son tour will take about 3D2N to complete, starting from Chiang Mai and Loop the Northern Thailand and ends back in Chiangmai; full loop 780Km consisting of 1,864 bends. Icon of Thailand tourism, many attractions are along the MHS loop which makes the MHS loop drives even more interesting and nice. 

Unlimited curvies

Along MHS Loop, there are some attractions as well: like Tham Nam Lod and Pai Historical bridge.

River crossing in Tham Nam Lod

 Many big fishes in the river, and the cave feels so chilly

 Historical Log Coffins

This whole place is made of bamboo. Difficult to drive to this location.

Dinner was awesomely much, apparently they doesn’t serve 1 person portion and 1 of the attraction in Chiang Dao is actually King Crab, and so I ordered 1 curry King Crab and some Thai-styled Oyster to go along.

 Curry King Crab

Thai flavoured Raw Oyster.

Cosy enough to sleep like dead log till morning after such a heavy dinner.

Very Quiet and secluded resort, nice environment for some Morning stretching

Accommodation: Buraphat Resort

Day 9: Chiang Dao to Chiang Rai: 180Km curvy drive

Going even further north, Im heading to Chiang Rai today and will visit the White Temple along the way as well as the Singha Park. 

country road... take me home....

 Wat Rong Khun (The White Temple)

 I forgot this name.

 Singha Park

 Wat Huay Pla Kang

 Doing well so far this civic.

Accommodation: Le Meridien Chiang Rai Resort

Day 10: Chiang Rai Self Day tour

Woke up at 3am local time, I headed out to Phu Chi Fa Mountain for morning Hike and sunrise, which was reviewed one of the best Sunrise every seen. The sunrise part is interesting but the route to the mountain top is even more interesting, driving in total darkness up the winding single lane 2-way mountainous road is first time in my life.

5th hiccups of the trip: While ascending the total darkness winding mountainous route and ambience temperature around 15degsC, suddenly I felt my stomach is grinding and aching. Fortunately not far ahead, there is a localised mid mountain homestay accommodation, went to borrow the restroom. Relieved.

 On Phu Chi Fa peak, below the clouds is Laos.

 Mystical Sun rise. Indeed its nice to see it personally.

Local kids dress up to welcome tourist. very cheeky.

Breakfast with view, very local taste porridge.

After a slow and relaxing breakfast, will descend Phu Chi Fa and head towards Thailand/Laos coastal route.

 Surprisingly the coastal route is so well built and conditioned.

 Arrival at Golden Triangle

 At Golden Triangle attractions.

 The iconic Golden Triangle sign (Mission accomplished!)

Physical Geographical location of Golden Triangle, consisting of 3 countries meeting 

 Abstract wall art - interpreting the agony and addiction of Opium addicts.

 These photos are past celebrities that fell to the addiction of opium, ruining their career and life.

 Olden days cargo ship transporting Opium.

 Towards the end of Opium Museum

 Thats what Opium addicts do when the visit Opium dens.

High in ecstasy

 I have reach the Northern most of Thailand.
 Myanmar at the other side, just a short bridge across the small river, thats the border.

 Another land border for Thailand/Myanmar and this border only allows locals to cross, foreigners not allowed.

Day 11: Chiang Rai to Sukhothai: 408Km drive

Been driven from my carpark to really far away from home, its time to head back. Next destination Sukhothai.

Sukhothai is an ancient capital city before Ayutthaya which is before Bangkok. The architecture is not as established as Ayutthaya which can gives you the "Woah" effect, Sukhothai is very much more subtle.

 Crossing the Sukhothai borders, they has these stupors as border markings.

 This Padi field is so green and nice.

 Arrival in Sukhothai

 Ancients Ruins

Local having prayers.

 Sunsetting behind Sukhothai

Let my Car has some photoshoot too.

Accommodation: Sawasdee Sukhothai Resort

Day 12: Sukhothai to Khao Yai: 419Km drive

Khao Yai, a fusion city of Thailand, where flavours of international restaurants and bars and food is available, been in the outskirt for so many days, I suddenly felt kinda overwhelmed by the pack crowds and loud live band music in Khao Yai bars, 2 mugs of beer and back to my Forest Tent accommodation

Fresh water melon along the way? Suddenly has this trigger and pull aside by the street for some water melons.

 Random, just very random.

Sweet and cooling.

Along the way, I pass by Lop Buri, a town that I have stayed for 2 weeks 13 years ago. and visiting Sunflower plantations rekindles the memories.

 Town in Lop Buri

 Still looks the same after so many years.

 Sunflower plantation!

 International architecture in Khao Yai.

 Very nice design and lightings are perfect for photo taking.

 Suddenly not used to crowd and loud live band.

Walkway to hotel reception

 Very cosy air conditioned tent

 I sat there at night in my boxers. hahaha so zen. It is cold and windy at night.

Accommodation: Lala Mukha Tented Resort

Day 13: Khao Yai to Hua Hin: 361Km drive

6th hiccups of the trip: as I drove down the highway from Khao Yai to Hua Hin, just about to enter Bangkok, the air con seems to be not working and it just got hotter and stuffier. Something is very wrong, diverted and drives straight in to Honda Thailand along the highway to have my car check and later to find out that the Air-conditioner Condenser is leaking and the refrigerant pressure has drops to zero.

Bring Car in to Honda Thailand agent to check on air con.

Replacement will take a day as it is getting late and orders need to be delivered over from Bangkok tomorrow first thing in the morning. Instant decision has to be made. Leave the car there to have it repair if not what?

After some discussion, decided to top up the Air con Refrigerant to the max and heads off and continue my journey to the south, monitor along the way and top up again if required.

It manage to last me for quite awhile.

Finally arrived in Hua Hin, and I am going for my Lobster and Tom Yum Goong.

 Long awaited lobster and all time favourite Tom Yum Goong (Hua Hin Night Market)

 The hotel room is so damn nice!!

 Nice private pool! but alot of mosquitoes. Need to do a wipe out first before I can sit there and drink my beer properly.

Accommodation: Cape Nidhra Hotel

Day 14: Hua Hin Rest and Relax (recovery from accumulated fatigue from multi days long distance driving)

Recovery day, sleep till wakes up naturally, go have a nice International buffet breakfast and have a swim in my private pool with Music playing.

Head out for a 90mins massage and Beer with Steam Fish by the sea… let the sea breeze blew at my face endlessly. Life is beautiful.

Quiet and nice breakfast. ready to go back Singapore liao..

My lunch view, sat there for 2 hours before heading back to Hotel for afternoon nap. (Chao Lay Seafood Hua Hin)
Day 15: Hua Hin to Hat Yai: 748Km drive

1 of the longest drive of the trip, about 10 hours including meals and breaks, but i get to have my favourite roadside coconut jelly again before heading back home. Only can be eaten during road trip up north (that exquisite)

 Off Peak season, whole CP only 1 car. hahahaha

Accommodation: S Hadyai Hotel

Day 16: Hat Yai to Ipoh: 337Km drive

Today is the last day in Thailand, so missed but still have to leave, when time is up its up. 

7th hiccups of the trip: While on the way to Sadao (Thailand/Malaysia borders), my car aircon starts heating up again, hence start looking out for garage along the road; good thing about Thailand is, they have garage and tyres shops almost everywhere even in the most secluded areas. Have my Air con refrigerant top up again (400bht) and I’m good to go once again.

1 last Air Con refrigerant top up before heading back to Singapore.

Eligible to have these stickers on my rear windscreen. Been there and Enjoyed.

Smooth border crossing and a nice Spa Hotel to rest for the night.

Wash clean clean inside out.

 So cosy and smells so nice....

Accommodation: Sojourn Guest House

Day 17: Ipoh to Singapore: 554Km drive

7,057Km completed and endless memories to reminisce; back to reality, back to real life, have my car air con condenser fixed and car polished.

 Brought to Air con specialist to have my air con issue settled.

Bottom of condenser hit by stones and ruptured, leaking air con oil and refrigerant.

Polished and coated, glossy and nice once again.

Looking forward to next trip when Covid-19 is over. 

Thanks for reading :) 

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