Sunday, March 10, 2013

Nostalgic and always memorable. My first Solo Drive North Trip.

This was blogged with Nostalgic Memories that happens in 27th Feb 2010

The very first time, when I held my steering wheel and landed wheels on the foreign land alone on the 27th Feb 2010... The feeling was woah.!! This feels like something crazy... should I make a U-turn back or shall I continue my explorations.
Yes, I've crossed the borders driving my new car and feeling kinda adventurous; as many will think, driving in Malaysia is a norm.. going in for petrol, car wash or supper and turning back out... I am thinking otherwise, I am not staying in Johore Bahru only.. I'm gonna move up north..!!

Taking a break before reaching Port Dickson, approx 300km from home

In-car mounted Garmin GPS

My first adventure started when I decided to venture out of my mental limitations and in self assurance as well as self confidence. Armed with Googles Map screenshots and an in-car mounted Garmin GPS, I am going to Port Dickson and Melaka (2 different states in West Malaysia) for a 3 day 2 night tour.

I was driving on North South Highway happily and singing away, happily enjoying the highly self indulgence solitude and cruising at 160km/hr when suddenly a gush of feeling overwhelms me along the 148km marking; What the hell am I doing..?? Driving alone on a foreign land and not gonna know or able to anticipate what I am going to see and encounter the very next minute. There is a slight sense of fear and demoralizing thoughts that I should give up and head straight back home where I am so comfortable and well protected. I pulled aside to a nearby resting area and lighted a cigarette, in deep thoughts.

Ding..!!!! Reflections and thoughts and thoughts..!!! The struggle was because of my upbringings, being protected, threatened of dangers everywhere without learning how to mitigate it or take any control measures, diminishing any self confidence and self esteem. Hatred; this is not gonna haunt me for the rest of my life to any success or responsibilities.

I moved on, distracting myself constantly of the thought of "give up now and turn back..!! you gonna die out there..!!" Oh my, shut the fuck up sub-conscious, I'm ignoring you now.

I continued driving, cautiously and constantly looking out of my surroundings and staying alert of any possible dangers or threats (for driving in a rumored dangerous and high robbery country as compared to Singapore) and i finally reach Port Dickson..!! My first destination..!! I felt an instant loud Hooray in my Heart saying that I made it..!! hahaha sounds silly, arent Me.?

A beautiful Junior Suite all by myself

Dinner time at the 'Kampung Style" restaurant

Drove myself around, going to different point of interest and walking on foreign land alone and exploring; I would say It feels different. I gonna admit these, Solo travelling really feels different (adventurous and addictive), like a sense of high self indulgence for solitude, with just me and myself but it feels really lonely during meal times especially when I enter a restaurant with a few tables full.

2nd day, had my solo breakfast and check out around noontime. I have 3 hours to navigate my way from Port Dickson to Melaka. I've decided to take the old road which derives of 2 lanes and 2 way, riskier to drive especially to someone who has not driven in Malaysia before and being driving in Singapore for so long. I moved.

On my way to Melaka

I've entered the state of Melaka by navigating through the old roads, depending mainly on just road signs as my GPS wasn't very accurate around that area and gotten myself into the Town of Melaka... I feel really good.:)

Parking along the crowded roads of Melaka town

GPS really had a real hard time to source for my hotel in Melaka, and I got lost and turn in circles many times, trying to scroll through the GPS preloaded map to find where the hell is Tanjong Kling..!!! I finally found the hotel, it was actually a clustered of Apartments (which looks like condominum in Sg) being bought over by the hotel industries, 10km away from town.

Everly Resort ( Such a big room to myself again.!!)

Plunged into the swimming pool for a late afternoon swim and unwind the tension of getting lost the whole day trying to navigate by driving my car in a land that I have never been my whole entire life. Melaka was really kinda different as compared to Port Dickson (Negri Sembilan) in term of traffics and buildings and Drivers' behavior. It is indeed a nice place, with lotsa of food places and more of a Chinese place as compared to PD. Drives out for some Night shoot and dinner.

Capturing the sunset along the coast of Melaka

Reached Jonker Street, the place that is popular in Melaka where they have night markets and Historical Buiildings and church. Sat down and have my quick dinner there..

Jonker Street in Night Light

Reaching back to hotel around 2130hrs, I opened my first can of Tiger Beer, leaning back on the balcony facing the Straits of Melaka... I starts to think... in deep thoughts... Learnings and observations that was made during this 'adventurous' trip.. 

I felt a different person after this 3 days of fun 'struggle' and 'independency'. I've learnt; being observant and meticulous is important and adapting fast. I've broke my mental limitations.

I am going to travel alone again.. soon....

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